I’m a libertarian. And for once, it didn’t start with Ayn Rand. Maybe it’s the mountains.
My name is Will Johnson, a fact I was reluctant to release for a long time. Not because I’m embarrassed or unsure about my beliefs, but because the very nature of politics is contentiousness. At times, I’ve found myself so wrapped up in the act of being political that I’ve shut off my brain and once even literally thew a copy of Locke’s Second Treatise on Government at a friend (read the whole story here).
Point being, when I started this anonymous blog, I was trying to avoid the divisiveness of that kind of politics.
But I think my posts thus far have avoided angry, mindless political hackery in favor of — sometimes, anyway — thoughtful analysis. Which is why this is no longer an anonymous blog.
If you have questions about my ideas, I welcome them. If you disagree, I encourage you to speak up. And I think it’s only fair that I back up my side with a real name and not a mask of anonymity.
So there it is, dear reader: a name you can put to this website.
When it’s all said and done, I’m fiercely pro-individual liberty, and it’s that idea that now drives my political thinking.
I have in the past played such wayward roles as “conservative college newspaper columnist” and “Republican” — and whether it was the move from New England to Colorado or something that happened therein, I found that liberty was so much more broad and expansive, so much more free than what I’d known.
And everything changed.